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I'm a total sucker for self help books and anything health or diet related will probably get read around here. It's a sickness, I tell ya! What I like about this book (and why it's showing up here) is because it's about loving yourself right now. It promotes confidence and I think that's sexy- sexier even than a perfect six-pack or thighs that don't touch.
It also advocates clean eating and has a great exercise plan included and those are two things I can get behind. I'm super excited to try some of the delicious looking recipes!
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My fiction pick this week is actually two books, Divergent
and Insurgent
, both by Veronica Roth. I read both of these books in a couple of days while we were on vacation in Croatia and then reread Divergent last week. I'm also really looking forward to the third installment, Allegiant
, out this October.
I could tell you horror stories about walking around our tiny town in Croatia looking for a wifi signal to buy Insurgent because I had to read it as soon as I finished Divergent ... and then getting mad at Mike because he was really enjoying the book he was reading while I couldn't read the one I wanted to read. (I've mentioned I can be totally unreasonable, right?)
I loved the characters and the plot is fun (so of course it's being made into a movie). It can be a light easy read or you can put some more thought into it and see if you can learn something. (Do we separate ourselves based on our own ideals, consciously or otherwise? Do we automatically assume our values are the most important? Is that really a good way to be?) Or - like I said - just chill out and enjoy it for the cool story it is. psst... I liked them better than The Hunger Games.

And on the tube this week- a classic. Friends, Season Two. Ross & Rachel's first kiss gets me every time! And who doesn't love the scene with U2's "With or Without You"
I could tell you horror stories about walking around our tiny town in Croatia looking for a wifi signal to buy Insurgent because I had to read it as soon as I finished Divergent ... and then getting mad at Mike because he was really enjoying the book he was reading while I couldn't read the one I wanted to read. (I've mentioned I can be totally unreasonable, right?)
I loved the characters and the plot is fun (so of course it's being made into a movie). It can be a light easy read or you can put some more thought into it and see if you can learn something. (Do we separate ourselves based on our own ideals, consciously or otherwise? Do we automatically assume our values are the most important? Is that really a good way to be?) Or - like I said - just chill out and enjoy it for the cool story it is. psst... I liked them better than The Hunger Games.
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And on the tube this week- a classic. Friends, Season Two. Ross & Rachel's first kiss gets me every time! And who doesn't love the scene with U2's "With or Without You"
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