And a Cemetery Shoot Off!
.... Just 'cause we're silly like that.
While we were in Prague recently, Mike and I came across a beautiful cemetery. I know, I know. Cemeteries are creepy, right? Well, maybe for some, but they've never creeped me out (much) and some of them are really beautiful- from the ornate all the way down to the super simple country burial grounds.
I think they are interesting. I like poking about and being nosey.
So we found this cemetery, but no dogs were allowed inside. Mike really wanted to go in so I handed him the camera and told him to take some shots to show me what was on the other side of those big stone walls and I'd find a shady spot to chill out with Miss Lola.
I don't know how long he was in there, but when he came back he quickly handed me back the camera and took the dog exclaiming over how I just had to go inside- it was that beautiful. We decided I'd take some pictures, too, and we'd compare later.
It's kind of cool to see what he sees without me around, and vice versa. I thought it would be fun to show you a few of my favorites, too.
Up first, Mike's pictures:
I love how ethereal she looks with the sun flare. |
I love this one! It's so creepy to me! Hello, Miss Zombie lady.... |
I really love this one, too, and don't remember seeing this anywhere. I missed out. |
Likely my favorite of the bunch. |
It's an interesting look into what makes my husband stop and observe. He took a lot of pictures of the church spires from all angles, but I only shared one. Partly because it was the best of the lot and partly because I took one almost just like it.
And what I saw:
I love all of the lines in this one. |
Almost identical to the one Mike took. |
They say patience is a virtue... it's not a virtue I possess. I wish I had waited for that lady to move out of my shot. |
Another one almost just like Mike's. I like how his has more green surrounding it and how he got the wall in the background. |
I think this might be my favorite that I took. |
Yeah, pretty much the same picture he took. |
And another almost identical shot. |
So Mike likes angels a lot... I have a soft spot for crosses and flowers. We're both drawn to drama and strong architecture. Or that's my spin on it at least. I'll have to ask him what he thinks later.
Wanna see what Lola was up to while we were playing?
Just being her normal dare-devil self:
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool.... |
Ok, that picture was actually taken a few minutes before either of us went into the cemetery but it's pretty much what she did all afternoon.
That's her M.O.: Find somewhere cool to sit, look cute, smile at people and make new friends. Seriously, we can't take her anywhere without random strangers stopping us to ask if they can get a picture with her. We should start charging a fee... I mean, we haven't saved a dime for her college education.
It's a good thing she's pretty enough to get by on just her looks.
I love this! My Dad and I always love visiting cemeteries... I blame the love of history and old things. But you're so right, they're beautiful! I also love this idea of a shoot off. So cute! I have to say Mike's sunflarey angel is my favorite but I'm a sucker for sun flare ;o) Great pics all around!
ReplyDeleteI think that one was my favorite, too! I'm not sure he intended to get the sun flare or if it was a happy accident, but I love that one. :0)
DeleteWow! I love these photos. Cemeteries are one of my all time things to photograph. They have that forbidden should I even be in here feel to them as well as the eerie factor! Right up my alley! That is one of the coolest ones I've seen, so pretty and ornate! Can we go there if I come visit? Can we, Can we?? Mike did an awesome job with the pics, possibly a new hobby for him as well?
ReplyDelete-Tamara B
haha- He's more than happy to take pictures from the tall stuff he wants to climb, but he's usually very happy to be rid of the camera, too. I'll have to work on him. ;0) And you'll LOVE all of the cemeteries around here, but I'm always down for going to Prague!